The 2021 Professional Executive Master of ADR course at the Gamey and Gamey ADR Institute is cruising to a close after a crescendo of mediation simulation exercises.
The simulation exercises offered the participants the platform to practice the ADR learning experience gained over the past six months.
As part of the role-play sessions, the 29 participants, who are top-level professionals from various fields, engaged in PULSE mediation processes to resolve a range of disputes.
Acting as mediators and parties interchangeably, the participants used their executive, managerial and professional mediation skills to resolve cases relating to workplace, land, investment, corporate governance, intellectual property, school management, family and marital disputes, among others.
Fashioned along with real case experiences, the simulation exercises exposed the participants to the dynamics of ADR practice, which requires them to continue to build their expertise in any specialised area.
Saeed Musah-Khaleepha, a course facilitator who supervised the simulation sessions, advised the participants to pay attention to detail while handling cases and avoid taking issues that appear mundane, for granted.
He also reminded the participants that their role as mediators is to facilitate the resolution of disputes by guiding disputing participants towards a resolution, and not the decision on the settlement for the parties.
At the end of the one-month simulation session, he commended the trainees for their keen participation and urged them to continue to practice by helping to resolve disputes at home, in the community, and work environment.