The training equipped leaders with modern skills for LMC
The training equipped leaders with modern skills for LMC
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The management team and local union leaders of the Agricultural Development Bank (ADB) have ended an intensive training workshop on Labour Management Cooperation (LMC), with a renewed commitment for enhanced workplace collaboration.

At the end of the training, the management and union agreed to do more to effectively cooperate to hike productivity and profits for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Organized by the Human Resource Department of ADB and facilitated by the Gamey and Gamey Group, a leading Human Resource and Industrial Relations Consultancy firm, the training workshop was aimed at strengthening the level of cooperation between the management and the workers’ union through the understanding and application of the Labour Act 2003, (Act 651).

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Speaking on the theme ‘Labour–Management Cooperation: the role of stakeholders,” Austin Gamey, the lead facilitator, stressed the need for both management and labour unions to anchor their relations strictly on best practices enshrined in the Labour Act, which include the sharing of relevant information, having open conversation and resolving work place dispute using the various forms of mediation.

Brainstorming sessions characterised the training
Brainstorming sessions characterised the training

According to him, in order to ensure an enhanced LMC, management should adopt a positive high quality leadership approach that is geared towards promoting people driven initiatives, policies and strategies.

Mr. Gamey further urged management to strengthen the company’s HR department by resourcing it with requisite tools for building the right structures in effectively implementing HR policies and strategies, as well as performance monitoring and appraisal with the objective of promoting quality productivity.

He also admonished the local unions to desist from adversarial behaviours but be guided by the provisions of the Labour Act which prescribes measures for addressing workplace challenges.

Taking participants through the BEACH (Beliefs, Expectations, Assumptions, Concerns and Hopes) approach during the session, co-facilitator Mrs Lizzy-Ann Kwagbedzi also highlighted the need for labour and management to always engage each other on a regular basis so as for the two sides to drive a common objective based on a common BEACH.

Alhassan Yakubu-Tali, Deputy Managing Director of ADB, commended the local unions and the workers for their continued support towards the progress of the organization, and believed that the use of the skills acquired through the training would help to yield greater results for productivity.

He said because workplace conditions remain critical for organizational growth, the management would continue to collaborate with the unions to enhance conditions of service to enable the bank to better serve its customers.

Jonas Safo Baah, HR Manager of ADB, in an interaction with ADR Daily, acknowledged the importance of a good labour management relationship to business entities, citing trust and common understanding as two pivotal qualities needed to be demonstrated at all times by both parties to achieve the desired cooperation.

He said the management of ADB values the contributions of the various worker unions to the growth of the business hence the move to bring both parties together to undergo the training on best labour practices.

“The training is not going to be a one off thing but an annual affair where we will be extending it to other union members within the organization to have at least one training,” he added.

Anthony Akiasu, Chairman of the ADB Local Union, also stressed the need for partnership between the management and the union, indicating enhanced productivity could only be achieved through a congenial working relationship.

“We need to have a common front to be able to drive common goal of the company,” he said.

Also, the Chairman of the Professional Managerial Staff Union (PMSU), James Obeng-Gyan, described the training as insightful and revealing, noting that the knowledge gained from the various sessions of the training has really equipped them to appreciate the importance of high quality leadership skills in an organization.
“Quality Leadership matters in every organization. It’s about influencing people to meet certain objectives and high quality of that, is critical in improving every institution,” he stressed.

Benjamin Nana Appiah/