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By: Debbie Hilary Quaye

We all need to make money by working, but it seems some enjoy the work they do while others do not. Why do some get excited to go to work while others despise getting up early each day for work?

For many people, the most important thing to consider regarding a new job role is the salary. The belief is that so long as the pay is good, the job is a good fit and any other thing is not important. The truth, however, is that there are many other factors an employee has to reflect on to know if the job is a good fit or not. This is where Job satisfaction comes into focus.

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Job satisfaction can only be realized through experience; meaning, it can only be realised after one has begun work and worked for over a period.


As an employee, from time to time, you should assess how satisfied you are with your job, even if you think you love it because this satisfaction can change at any time.

One of the simple ways to know if you enjoy your work is to have regular, honest reviews with yourself just like the way employees usually have job evaluations with their bosses at the middle and end of the year, they should evaluate themselves too which can be described as a self-appraisal.

Questions to ask

A few of the key questions a worker should ask him or herself are:

“Am I happy working here?

“Do I get excited to come to work on Monday morning even if am tired?

“At the end of the day, do I feel like I contribute to the organisation?

“Do my contributions get recognised by both my boss and co-workers?

“Am I respected, treated right or discriminated against?”

“Does the job and the salary meet my expectation?”

If any of these questions get a No answer, then the worker is under threat, and should consider taking measures to create the happiness.

These factors seem to be taken for granted, but many employees have paid dearly for not considering them. It has resulted in many skipping from one job to the other without a meaningful plan, while others have been left unemployed due to failure of not evaluating themselves well enough for the job.

Those moving from one job to the other in short intervals are obviously not satisfied with the jobs and the rewards thereof.

After all, if you are satisfied in your job, you would not leave or be looking for a new one, right?

Direction to job happiness

To address the challenge, workers can follow a number of steps towards becoming happy with their jobs.

For a start, you should consider making a list of the things you like about your job and what you dislike by pondering on your feelings. It should be done in solitude preferably on a weekend at home alone.

At the end, when you have gathered this valuable information and determined what and who makes you feel what, it is time to decide if you need a new job role, a new organisation or a complete career change.

However, the question you have to ask yourself is that, will you be happy or satisfied with your next job, position or company? This is why a thorough job and self-evaluation is needed.

To get it right once and for all, you should get to know yourself, the elements of your ideal job or career, the skills needed, and how to apply them. Even if it means training yourself for that job, you have to do so.

Also, you can get an idea of your ideal job by finding out about their company culture just to know what you are getting into.

With these done, a worker can be assured of working with happiness which will ensure that workers operate more productively for their individual and organisational benefits.


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