Austin Gamey, Chief Executive Officer of Gamey and Gamey Group will on Saturday, July 31, open a seminar series on marital counselling to support couples in building successful marriages.
The series, which is part of a Post Marital Counselling programme initiated by the Gamey and Gamey Group, the leading ADR firm in Ghana, aims at helping couples to appreciate ways of overcoming marital challenges to prevent disputes and divorce.
Tomorrow’s session, which would be attended by various personalities, including ADR trainees from the Gamey & Gamey ADR Institute’s Professional Executive Master of ADR 2021 cohort, will also be accessed online through zoom (ID: 99519890930 Password:144762), starting at 9am.
It has the theme, “The role of couples, parents, pastors and counsellors in pre and post successful marriage.”
According to the Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR), labour and industrial relations management consultancy group, the introduction of its Post-Marital Counselling service to support the survival of marriages.
In the quest to curb the high rate of divorce in the country, the Post-Marital Counselling service has the objective to build young marriages and salvage troubled ones.
The new service, according to Mr. Gamey would employ Appreciative Inquiry and mediation principles to enable couples to appreciate each other and focus only on positive issues in their marriages.