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Central African Republic’s state owned television is set to broadcast peace and reconciliation message to the whole country, the director of TV Centrafricaine said.

The campaign is set to wash out stereotype and religious bound conflicts that has crippled the Central African State and driven thousands of civilians out of the country.

CAR, a former French colony, suffered the worst crisis in its history in early 2013 when mainly Muslim Seleka fighters toppled President Francois Bozize. Christian militias responded to Seleka abuses by attacking the Muslim minority.

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Today, the situation in the capital, Bangui is relatively calm but the country’s interior still witnesses sporadic attacks.

Media role in peace and reconciliation has been an important element in bringing unity in countries that have experience violence and ethnic divisions.

Countries like Kenya and Rwanda incorporated media to preach message of peace and harmony in a bid to reunite a nation that had split after violence erupted.

Source: africanews.com

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