Central University holds ADR seminar for Law students


An Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR) seminar aimed at encouraging more young people to opt for ADR practice has been held for final year law students of the Central University.

The seminar, organised by the University’s Law Faculty, was also to expose the students to practical experience in the ADR profession to inform their decision.

Held at the Miotso campus, the seminar, which had Mr Austin Gamey, a leading ADR practitioner as the facilitator, was also to enhance ADR education in the university.

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The students were exposed to practical knowledge that is expected to boost their theoretical knowledge in the field of ADR.

Austin Gamey
Mr. Austin Gamey

Citing a number of cases settled through ADR, Mr Gamey defended the concept of ADR as the most cost-effective, convenient, swift and non-adversarial method of dispute resolution.

He said the mechanisms of negotiation, mediation and arbitration have increasingly become beneficial in the resolution of disputes between parties, adding that it helps parties to retain their relationship, unlike the adversarial court system where litigation destroys relationships.

Mr Gamey, a labour expert who is also the CEO of Gamey and Gamey Group, described the perception that ADR is “alternative” to the legal system is wrong, adding that ADR is the “appropriate” way of settling disputes.

“ADR is not an alternative, and it is paralegal. It is a unique mechanism that is appropriate for the amicable resolution of disputes,” he said.

Touching on the future of ADR, he said the prospects for ADR in Ghana remain bright as the consciousness about ADR among Ghanaians continues to grow.

He urged the students to opt for professional ADR training after their law education, indicating that although legal education is not a pre-condition for ADR practice, their background would give them an advantage.

As part of the seminar, the students asked a series of questions regarding concerns in ADR, after which clarifications were offered by the facilitator.

Mrs. Susie Afutu, a lecturer at the law faculty who invited the resource person for the seminar, expressed appreciation for the practical knowledge imparted to the students, and expressed optimism that it would go a long way to impact on their careers after graduation.

She called for more collaboration between the faculty and the Gamey and Gamey Group towards undertaking educational interventions for the benefit of the students.

She hoped that other universities that offer ADR programmes would emulate the seminar to open their students to practical skills and knowledge in the field of ADR for them to better appreciate the profession.

A number of students ADR Daily interacted with after the seminar, expressed delight for the exposure and insight into the ADR profession.

Ms Benedicta Quaye, a level 400 law student, said she observed that ADR is easier, simpler and faster than litigation in resolving conflicts especially marital disputes, adding that she was impressed about the flexibility of ADR in resolving disputes.

“It is very necessary for professionals to have ADR skills because it not only for law students but all so that they know the essence of ADR and they would be able to inculcate it into their lives and work. I also now know that with certain types of disputes, I don’t need to waste time at the court but rather go straight to ADR,” she added.

Nana Banyin Yorke also a level 400 student described the lecture as “very insightful and educative.”

“I learnt mediation is one of the ways to resolve disputes because it’s cheaper, saves time and more efficient.

“I learnt that there are rules we must follow when resolving disputes through ADR. As such one cannot just get up and be a mediator or an arbitrator, it is necessary to undergo special training to understand the scope and nature of ADR,” he said.

By: Fred Gadese-Mensah/adrdaily.com

VIAFred Gadase-Mensah
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