Mr Gamey and Mr Mohaideen in a discussion
Mr Gamey and Mr Mohaideen in a discussion
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Leading human resource management firm, Gamey & Gamey Group has held a training workshop for members of the Ghana Chamber of Mines’ HR Caucus in Accra, with the aim of equipping them with modern HR management skills.

A total of 17 Human Resource Managers from the various mining companies in the country, participated in the workshop on the topic, “A New Approach Linking Productivity to Salary Administration and Effective Performance Appraisal.”

Opening the session, the Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Chamber of Mines, Sulemanu Koney, reminded the HR practitioners of the dynamic nature of the mining industry, hence the need for them to stay abreast of developments, especially in ensuring best labour practice.

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Mr Gamey explaining a point to the participants
Mr Gamey explaining a point to the participants

“Our industry is changing, the nature of mining is changing, the tools and equipments we use in mining have changed with a lot of innovations, etc. How do we ensure that even us, as the industry changes our relevance as HR practitioners is always at the core?” he quizzed.

Without HR, he said “our mineral resources will continue to be without value, we would need to convert those resources into value, and the only way to do that is human beings. Human beings will bring in the machines, the technologies and all that, so we will continue to rely on human power,” he stated.

He urged them to creative and offer innovate ideas for the effective management of workforce to enhance productivity.

In addition, he assured the HR managers of the Chamber’s commitment to support the education and training of its members, stressing that “as a chamber we believe that we need to support education and manpower training.”

Taking participants through the various sections of the Labour Act, 2003 (Act 651), labour expert and Chief Executive Officer of Gamey and Gamey, Austin Akufo Gamey charged HR managers to adequately acquaint themselves with the legal aspects of the Labour Acts 651 so as to enable them to effectively apply the provision for the benefit of their respective organizations.

The participants at the training
The participants at the training

Labour Consultant drew participants’ attention to Sections 8 (a) and (b) of the Labour Act, which highlight the rights of the employer recruit and formulate policies among other things.

It states that subject to this Act and any other enactment, the rights of an employer include the right to (a) employ a worker, discipline, transfer, promote and terminate the employment of the worker; (b) formulate policies, execute plans and programmes to set targets; (c) modify, extend or cease operations,”

He therefore urged HR managers to help lead the way in the implementation of the employer’s policies and targets to achieve the needed results, and advised them to actively involve the workers in the policy formation and implementation process.

The training addressed various labour issues
The training addressed various labour issues

Speaking to ADR Daily, the Chairman of the HR Caucus, Mohaideen Mohammed said the training was in line with the group’s quest to enhance their knowledge to effectively deliver in their various organisations.

“The HR Caucus is a mouthpiece for HR professionals in the country’s mining industry. We met quarterly to discuss our relationship with our employees and other regulatory bodies on labour issues,” he noted.

Benjamin Nana Appiah/

VIABenjamin Nana Appiah
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