Austin Gamey (left) facilitating the training session
Austin Gamey (left) facilitating the training session
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Heads of corporate institutions have been urged to lead the way in building a strong collaboration between management and labour.

Such collaborative relationship between management and workers is essential to advance quality production and service delivery for good return on investments.

Speaking during at the opening session of a two-day leadership training programme dubbed “A Masterpiece of High Quality Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness” at the Peduase Valley Resort near Aburi on Thursday, the Chief Executive Officer of Gamey and Gamey Group, Austin A. Gamey stressed that Labour Management Cooperation (LMC) needs the commitment of employers and managers to flourish.

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A strong LMC, he said requires a quality leadership system that creates an alignment of strengths among the workforce towards organisational productivity and growth.

“Leadership has to create alignment, and to have that alignment, management need strength and let go of weakness so as to remain focused on the company’s vision and mission,” he said.

Touching on Strategic Management Cooperation, the renowned labour expert explained that all relevant stakeholders, particularly the workforce must be actively involved in the development and implementation of such strategic plan for cooperation.

“Beyond the benchmark measures, the practical value of strategically providing leadership is reflected in the organization’s standard measures of enhanced performance, productivity and quality among other essentials,” he added.

He further encouraged management to share relevant information with the workers, describing information sharing, which is stipulated in the Labour Act 2003,  as the heartbeat of any organization.

The new leadership training programme organized by Ghana’s leading Human Resource and Labour Relations solutions firm, the Gamey and Gamey Group aims at using its new high profile training course to help in enhancing quality leadership and organizational productivity in the corporate environment.

In attendance at the workshop are Chairpersons and Members of Boards of companies and commissions, Chief Executives Officers General Managers, Human Resource Directors and union leaders.

Benjamin Nana Appiah/

VIABenjamin Nana Appiah
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