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The Human Rights Court presided over by Justice Gifty Agyei-Addo has set-aside the orders of the General Legal Council suspending private legal practitioner Francis Xavier Sosu.

The court also set-aside the one-year mentorship imposed by the GLC on Mr Sosu, renowned for his human rights advocacy.

The GLC which enforces the code of conduct for lawyers last year barred Mr Sosu from practising as a lawyer for three years for a number of offences violating the code of conduct of the profession.

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The decision to suspend Mr. Sosu was reached after the Council found him guilty of professional misconduct contrary to the code regulating legal practice in the country.

It also cited him for advertising himself on social media in respect of his recent cases involving Patrick Reynolds who was paralyzed by a fallen billboard at Flower Pot in Accra contrary to the rules prohibiting lawyers from touting.

Mr. Sosu challenged his suspension at the Court of Appeal but was told it was the wrong forum.


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