International Labour Organization (ILO) Director General, Guy Ryder has called on Employment and Labour ministers meeting at this year’s ILO International Labour Conference to increase investments in securing more sustainable and decent jobs for citizens.
He believes there is need for more investment in people’s capabilities, institutions of employment and decent and sustainable work to secure better jobs for the future.
Addressing the G7 Social Labor and Employment Ministerial Meeting at the ongoing ILO International Labour Conference, in Geneva, Switzerland on the theme: “Empowering Individuals in a changing world at work,” Mr. Ryder said empowering people requires investing in their capabilities and that includes developing a workforce that can adapt to new and increasingly complex jobs, investing in social protection systems and addressing issues of gender equality.
“We need to enable people to navigate the major economic transitions ahead, including the transition to a digitalized world of work, to a carbon-neutral production system, and in many cases, to a longer working life,” he noted.
Achieving these goals, the ILO Director General suggested the implementation of labour market measures to support workers through job transitions, strengthen relevant support systems and involve social partners through systems of tripartite social dialogue among others.
He believes that with the right support in place, workers will be able to cope with the risks they face in a changing world of work, and turn those into opportunities, whereas the inaction and a failure to involve everybody productively in the future of work would inevitably result in the heaviest fiscal burden for all.
This year’s International Labour Conference is been attended by some 5,700 government, employer and worker delegates from the ILO’s 187 member States.
By ADR Daily Newsdesk