Editorial Policy “ADRDAILY”

“ADR Daily” is a one-stop news portal with a focus on providing world-class access to resources such as news, articles podcasts, testimonials, research outputs and related material on all aspects of Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR), Human Resource Management and Labour and Industrial Relations by professionals. It is meant to serve as a resource base for all ADR, Human Resource and Labour Relations (Industrial Relations) Practitioners.

For a professional and standardized work, we will adhere to this Editorial Policy for every write-up. This is to promote a professional image and demonstrate expertise for all write-ups and serves as a hallmark and a checkpoint for all articles and news stories produced in-house and out-sourced.

These guidelines will be the bench mark to ensure that all publications are in accordance with the mission and vision of the “ADR Daily” News Portal.


Our columnists and contributors are to ensure that, their contributions are in line with the mission and vision of the Portal and so enhance the image of the “ADR DAILY”.
All write-ups must be factual, objective and fit for professional referencing.
Have a specific message. Multiple messages should go on separate pages.
All write-ups must provide relevant and timely information for publication.
All write-ups must be based on a positive approach in the provision of information other than the traditional negative approach.
All write-ups that take sides on political issues will not be published.


All write-ups should have a title and a date
All write-ups should have an accompanying photo or image that reflects the subject, if necessary.
References should be duly cited if used in a write-up.
A brief profile and possibly a passport size photo of the contributor/columnist must be attached to write-ups for publication.
The contributor/columnist reserves the right to have his/her profile or image published with the write-up.
The length of a write-up should not exceed two pages.


The ADR fraternity holds strongly to the positive use of language, hence ADR Daily encourages the use of PULSE Discovery Frame “People Using Language Skills Effectively”  Principle in all publications to avoid chaos and personality attacks through the misuse of language.

The use of derogatory languages that will dent the image of any entity must be avoided.

Every word contained in a write-up must be apt, straight to the point and aim at creating a simple understanding of the issue being handled.


All enquiries should be sent to enquiries@adrdaily.com.

For columnists and contributors, all write-ups (news stories, articles and other                                                                       contributions) should be sent to content@adrdaily.com.

Tel: 00233-303303432, 00233-570768941, 00233-245658717