By Dr. Nancy Love
The Pre-mediation meeting also referred to as ‘Pre-caucusing’ is a preliminary meeting between the mediator and each of the parties prior to the actual mediation.
It is an essential element for preparing disputants for the actual mediation session by creating a safe environment for a dialogue through the use of the PULSE frame.
The pre-meeting is especially effective as it provides an opportunity for parties to vent their anger and discomfort and to be coached on how to better negotiate their own agreements.
This meeting is held for the mediator to hear and acknowledge the stories so that the parties begin their climb upthe Conflict Mountain towards resolution, while giving parties an opportunity for them to feel the catharsis of having told someone their story.
It also offers an opportunity for the Delta (technical name for a mediator) to support parties to feel known and heard so as to begin to release the energy that comes from the freedoms.
The pre-meeting is also an invitation to consider the actual meeting. The freedom to choose to participate is vital to move the conversation forward to a place where a different kind of future than they have imagined is to be released. Parties who choose to participate are more likely to accept responsibility for the outcome.
The questions at this meeting are asked so that parties begin to reframe the stories before they even arrive at the actual plenary meeting. They are designed to provoke a change in perspective and perception with a new version of the story of the circumstance that brought about this conversation.
Coaching parties on how to speak and listen to each other is also important. Especially with the use of the Protocol and explaining why it works will allow parties to choose to change their approach in the Actual Meeting (A.M.).
The Pre-meetingPREPARE checklist:
PREPARE: The purpose of PREPARE is to prepare the participant for the Pre-meeting.
- Set the tone and describe the Purpose.
- Describe the Process.
- Introduce and establish the Protocol.
- Establish confidentiality (define audience).
- Confirm authority.
- Describe role for Delta Δ.
- Set Timing (90 minutes).
(Whitney and Trosten-Bloom, The Power of Appreciative Inquiry 2003)