In view of the increasing adoption of Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Ghana, ADR practitioners have been urged to prepare for a paradigm shift in the industry.
The paradigm shift, according to Mr. Austin Gamey, one of Africa’s top-notch Mediators, has been necessitated by the increasing demand for quality ADR services to effectively resolve disputes in key sectors.
In that regard, he said practitioners must, therefore, respond to the high demand for conflict resolution through continuous training and skills upgrade for ADR practise.
By so doing, the ADR industry can live up to the expectation of the citizenry which is in search of more effective options for dispute resolution.
“ADR practitioners have a duty to ensure that ADR addresses the changing conflict resolution needs of the people,” he said.
Mr. Gamey, addressing the opening session of Gamey and Gamey ADR Institute’s Moot Camp in Accra for graduands of its 2018 Professional Executive Masters in ADR course, advised mediators and arbitrators to win the trust of the public by helping to resolve disputes more effectively.
Disputes, he explained continue to bedevil all sectors, including the government, labour unions, private and public sector businesses, civil society organisations and educational institutions, among others, adding that mediators have a social mandate to help all to overcome their disputes.
However, he said mediators could only be successful in that endeavour when they guard against sloppiness.
“Because mediation doesn’t fail, but the parties that do fail, it important for practitioners to consider preparation for mediation very critical,” he said.
He also urged practitioners to effectively utilise Pre-meeting to adequately prepare parties for mediation.
“The success of the main mediation meeting largely depends on the conduct of pre-meetings,” he observed.
Must Read : Mediators urged to save Ghana from disputes
The three-day ADR Moot Camp aimed at sharpening the skills of the newly trained mediators.
It was also to enhance their knowledge, skills and confidence to successfully handle cases from all sectors of the economy.
Among other things, the session was characterised with numerous professional role plays in investment, employment, managerial, corporate governance, equity, marital, family, community, intellectual property, territorial boundary and land dispute resolution.
By Edmund Mingle/