Prof Amartey (fourth left), Dr Davies (third left),Mr Gamey (third right), Mrs Essiaw (fourth right) and others after the meeting at UPSA
Prof Amartey (fourth left), Dr Davies (third left),Mr Gamey (third right), Mrs Essiaw (fourth right) and others after the meeting at UPSA
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The University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) and the University of Virgin Islands (UVI) in USA has struck a partnership for the rolling out of the acclaimed Certified Public Manager (CPM) training programme in Ghana.

The CPM course aims at equipping senior staff, especially in the public sector, to function more effectively and innovatively in addressing institutional and developmental challenges in a business conscious manner.

In addition, the course helps public sector workers to develop a dynamic mindset about public service, leading them to operate as agents of change and solution through creative leadership and innovation.

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The two universities agreed to collaborate for the introduction of the course in Ghana, at a meeting at the UPSA between the Vice President of UVI, Dr Haldane Davies, the Vice Chancellor of the UPSA, Professor Abednego Okoe Amartey and Mr Austin Gamey, CEO of Gamey& Gamey Group, which is UVI’s local partner.

It is expected that the CPM programme would be run under the UPSA’s Institute of Work, Employment and Society (IWES).

Prof Amartey (right) exchanging pleasantries with Dr Davies at the meeting
Prof Amartey (right) exchanging pleasantries with Dr Davies at the meeting

The meeting which was also attended by the Director of IWES, Dr Mary Naana Essiaw, set February 2019 for the initiation of the programme in UPSA.

They also resolved to work out the partnership modalities for an agreement to be signed between the parties to pave way for the running of the professional practical training programme.

Prof. Amartey lauded the objectives of the CPM, saying it falls in line with the aim of university in promoting professional development of workers.

“We accept to fully collaborate with UVI and Gamey & Gamey in rolling out this project for the desired results,” he said.

For his part, Dr. Davies, who is in Ghana to promote collaborations with his university, thanked the UPSA for accepting the programme, and promised quality assurance and effective support system from the UVI.

Must Read : Ghana welcomes CPM programme

Mr Austin Gamey, explaining the structure of the programme, said that Ghana would serve as a hub for the CPM in Africa, adding that the UVI and the Gamey Group were working on other institutional partnerships in Ghana and other African countries.

Dr. Mary Essiaw, in her remarks, described the collaboration as timely, saying the IWES was keen in getting partners to help in addressing critical capacity building needs in Ghana’s labour force.

By Edmund Mingle/

VIAEdmund Mingle
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