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There are many positive aspects to mediation.

First of all, mediation is a comfortable process that is accessible to any interested party who is involved in a conflict, be it misunderstanding of sorts, or a conflict that has already escalated.


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Also, from financial point of view, mediation is cheaper than going to court since parties to the conflict share the expenses. Often, the full expense of an entire mediation process will equal that of one day at court. The duration of a protracted mediation is still significantly shorter than the amount of time it would take to resolve conflict through the court system.


Prior to reaching a final agreement it is possible to configure interim agreements, as a way of reaching resolution.

Mediation is strictly confidential and enables people work through a conflict with privacy, preventing the possibility of any public interference. Mediation is a voluntary process. Parties are not obligated to participate or act in a way that contradicts or is opposed to their interests or desires.

Since mediation is not coercive, it is a highly effective process resulting in agreements that are based on the party’s free will. This increases the likelihood of the parties respecting and accepting the agreement and all of its ramifications.

Mediation is essential to those conflicts involving ongoing relationships that will continue even after mediation is over such as international conflict involving neighboring countries, family conflict involving children, divorce cases and workplace disputes involving social partners (management and workers).


Next articleThe use of ADR for resolving Land Disputes/Conflicts
ADR Daily is a specialized news portal with a focus on providing authentic news, information and research analysis on Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR), Human Resource Management (HRM) and Industrial Relations Management (IRM) in Ghana and beyond. This platform serves as an information resource base for the progress of the ADR, HRM and IRM industries, and seeks to promote professionalism in ADR practice by supporting a network of ADR professionals within and across nations and continents. ADR Daily keenly encourages the mass adoption of ADR mechanisms, particularly negotiation, mediation and arbitration for the resolution of disputes in all spheres, through the publication of industry news and information, as well as by deploying innovative awareness creation engagements.