Mediation Settlement
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Written By: Alexis W

A mediation settlement is an agreement that two feuding parties arrive at during the mediation process. The mediation process can be formal or informal. The settlement agreement once signed, is usually binding.

When two parties have a legal dispute, one party often files a lawsuit against the other. If this occurs, both sides begin preparing a case to present at a trial. Although many lawsuits are filed, the vast majority of legal disputes are settled out-of-court before a trial ever begins.

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Mediation is one way in which many disputes are settled out-of-court. Unlike arbitration, which is mandatory and binding in some situations, mediation is a voluntary process. Two disputing people or companies may agree to go to mediation in an attempt to arrive at a mediation settlement to save court costs.

The parties who agree to mediation then meet with each other while a licensed mediator is present their issue. The mediator works with these opposing sides using a variety of negotiation techniques and skills. The goal of this meeting is to arrive at a mediation settlement that both parties agree to.

Both party is required to agree on a settlement, and they can walk away from the table at any time. However, people are willing to speak to each other and try to find some middle ground. This often works as long as there is not too much divergence between what the complainant is hoping for and what the respondent is willing to give.

If the parties are open to discussion, and the mediation process works correctly, often they can come to an agreement in which the complainant receives some compensation. Both the complainant and the respondent usually have the incentive to settle out of court, as when they resolve their differences in this manner, they get to determine what will happen. If they go to court, a jury decides, which is much riskier for both sides since the complainant could end up with nothing or the respondent could end up paying much more than he expected. When the parties agree that this agreement is a mediation settlement, the documents are written up, and the complainant agrees to waive his right to sue the respondent in exchange for the amount of money, or other compensation agreed upon in the mediation settlement. These written legal documents become binding, and neither party can deviate from the mediation settlement agreement once they have signed the documents.

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