Youth yearn for temporary jobs
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An increasing number of youth, especially young graduates, are taking up temporary jobs in wait and search for permanent employment.

This, according to them, was due to the scarcity of permanent jobs, so they would rather take up temporary ones than remain unemployed.

A survey conducted by ADR Daily revealed that young people preferred to engage in short-term jobs, rather than wait idly for permanent employment, which takes a considerable time to secure.

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In the survey, a vast majority of the young job seekers interviewed said they were yearning for temporary jobs because they are not getting permanent jobs.

They believed that it could help them to show their potential and possibly from that, they will be offered permanent employment.

While the quest for income is the motivating factor for some of the respondents, others believe such jobs can offer them experience.

“Once you get the contract job, you can work hard to justify your inclusion in the organisation,” Sylvester Adom, a job seeker said.

“Temporary jobs provide avenues for skill enhancement. This would give me an edge so that when a permanent position opens up, I would have the required skills to perform,” says another job seeker.

Lois Acolatse, a student, said “the job market is tight, so the opportunity of being offered a temporary job is a chance I would not give up.

Another student said “the stress that comes with waiting for a permanent job is overwhelming. We would rather take on the temporary job to sustain ourselves than be unemployed without any income.”

They say although they may not enjoy incentives as permanent workers, the remuneration and exposure from temporary jobs would be better than being unemployed.

By: Fred Gadese-Mensah/

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