Tenancy disputes, which top the list of cases at many Community Mediation Centres in Accra, are likely to reduce with the introduction of the new Rent Bill.
The Rent Bill, which is expected to rectify loopholes in the Rent Act 220, has provisions that would help to sanitise the rent business and transactions between landlords and tenants.
According to Mr. Gabriel Atsu, Head of Ashaiman Central ADR Centre, the Bill would help to effectively regulate rent cost and related activities for peace to prevail in the sector.
In an interview with ADR Daily at Ashaiman, he said the present situation where property owners charged exorbitant rent without providing the necessary amenities has created a lot of disputes.
In addition, he said failure by tenants in poor communities to fully pay rent advance for two years, and regularly pay rent, also generate many disputes.
The Minster of Works and Housing, Mr. Samuel Atta-Akyea at the launch of the Ghana Association of Real Estate Agents and Brokers (GAR) in Accra recently, announced plans to use the proposed review of the Rent Act to regulate rent prices that landlords charged.
He explained that a draft Rent Bill will soon be sent to Cabinet for approval, and thereafter be tabled before Parliament for consideration.
According to the Minister “the Rent Bill would not only ensure that the rights of tenants would not be violated by landlords who charge overpriced rent, but also encourage property developers to invest in the housing industry,” he added.
Must Read : Tenancy disputes overwhelm Ashaiman ADR Centre
Mr. Atta-Akyea indicated that the new Rent Bill, when passed into law, would effectively address without compromise the problems that confronted tenants and landlords.
Mr. Atsu believes that when the Bill is passed, rent disputes which are constantly reported at the ADR Centre would be greatly reduced.
The Ashaiman Central ADR Centre, which is court-connected, as of December 2017, record 1,286 disputes, out of which 825 were rent cases, representing 64 per cent.
By: Fred Gadese-Mensah/adrdaily.com