Adherence to the Labour Act prevents labour disputes
Adherence to the Labour Act prevents labour disputes
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Ghana’s Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Act and the Labour Act may be separate and independent legislations, but have one common goal regarding labour management.

Their common goal is to secure a peaceful work environment.

While the Labour Act 2003, Act 651 provides the framework for effective and cohesive relationship between management and labour, the ADR Act 2010, Act 798 facilitates the amicable resolution of labour disputes and workplace differences.

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Described as one of the best legislations in the world, Ghana’s Labour Act, in itself offers provisions for the prevention or resolution of labour disputes, but the resolution becomes more effective by dwelling on the frawework of the ADR Act.

For Human Resource Managers and Industrial Relations Managers to operate effective, it is essential for the two laws to be understood for effective implementation.

In that regard the Gamey and Gamey Group is holding a training session for HR practitioners on how to effectively combine the laws to support in promoting management-labour relations, as well as peaceful work environment.

The programme, dubbed “Weaving the Labour Act, 2003 (Act 651) and the ADR Act, 2010 (Act 798) into the fabric of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations Management,” will run at the IES Complex at Dzorwulu in Accra for the next two days, with insightful presentations from HR and ADR experts.

By ADR Daily Newsdesk