Mercedez A.K. Mari
Mercedez A.K. Mari
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Mercedez A.K. Mari is a senior State Attorney who is passionate about expeditious resolution of disputes.

Working in Ghana’s Attorney-General’s Department, and the legal field in general, Mercedez has enviable knowledge, skills and experience to facilitate the resolution of cases, especially in using Appropriate Dispute Resolution mechanisms.

She holds an Executive Masters in ADR from the Gamey and Gamey ADR Institute, an Executive master’s in Leadership and NGO management from the Graduate school of Leadership and Governance, an LLB from the University of Ghana, BA in Economics and Law from KNUST, as well as a BL from the Ghana School of Law.

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Mercedez practices mediation and arbitration in various areas, and is always delighted to help parties to settle disputes in an amicable manner.

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